Atefeh Mahsa, Your Name Became a Symbol
Early in the morning, I lay curled up on my bed, constantly refreshing my Instagram feed... then the message came; Mahsa Amini was killed. Cold sweat broke out on my back. I stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. Tears streamed down my face. In the WhatsApp groups, everyone wrote and sent each other messages; two friends wrote, "we're going to the hospital, are you coming, Ati?" My feet were like lead. "No, I can't go!" I pulled the blanket over my head and hid. I was scared. Leila sent a message: "Did you see what happened? Why did she die? Why do we die every day?" Again, I burst into tears. I thought of the moment of her arrest. The moment she collapsed and fainted in the hall of the morality police. Again and again, I tried to put myself in her shoes, in those terrible moments
At the funeral, they wrote on her gravestone: "Mahsa, you haven't left us. Your name will become a symbol." Now we all know that your name will be the secret of our victory.